Today was one of those days where the amount of work that had to be accomplished seemed impossible and as the day went on, the piles continued to get bigger. The class was chatty and took awhile to follow directions and my patience was slim. I left feeling like I had a lot to improve on from today!
Both boys, especially Colson, haven't been feeling well and at least one was whining or crying from the time we got home until bedtime. I reminded myself that it wasn't their fault I was overwhelmed during the day and it wasn't their fault my class was not being respectful. So I used up all of the patience I had left and we did make it...with smiles on our bedtime!
And today taught me that I am so very blessed. Even though it was hard and not the day I would have wanted to have, there was a lot of good in the day, too.
We did laugh a lot at school.
Brinn bought me hot chocolate this morning. I needed it...I was freezing!
I had a great parent helper who came in to finish up some work.
I was able to pop in on Cannon's class twice today and visit. I love that. So. Much.
One struggling reader asked when the book order was coming that contained his new books!
The discussion about our next story, a biography on Benjamin Banneker was amazing.
I wrote six "Good News" postcards to students for improving their reading fluency.
I started to read aloud,
Number the Stars, by Lois Lowery. The kids are enthralled.
I had made turkey soup last night from the turkey bones Greg saved so dinner was done already!
Through the tears, I actually made the boys laugh and got Colson to eat MY soup for dinner.
Colson took a long bath and splashed and talked and laughed.
Colson sat on Cannon's lap (and Cannon was on Chris' lap) as they were looking at pictures.
I'm so glad I take a lot of pictures! And the digital picture frame was the best gift to the boys!
Cannon kissed Colson over and over and over as Colson was sitting on his lap.
Colson loved laying on my back as we laid on the floor and read books together.
Cannon and Chris drew together tonight before bed. Such wonderful, quality time.
As for the rest of the night, I will get done, what gets done!
And I will cherish the wonderful, blessed moments from a crazy, exhausting day.
Enjoying every moment.