Oct 22, 2016

Leading Up to the 'Storm'

Last week, a big storm was predicted.
There was a lot of talk about being prepared.
There was a lot of talk about this being as big as the Columbus Day Storm.
There was a lot of talk about high winds and power outages.

So we prepared.  Actually, I was kind of excited that we may be forced to light some candles and play board games in front of the fire.

On Saturday, Colson stayed in his jammies all day.  Both of the boys soccer games were cancelled.  The fields were a total mess of mud and water.  It had been raining off and on for the last few days and it was somewhat windy Friday night into Saturday.

Colson and I made some pumpkin cookies.  This was the SIMPLE recipe.  One can of pumpkin mixed with one box of cake mix.  That's it.

I also put some chicken in the crockpot with pesto and tomatoes.

And I got out to cut some of the gourds we grew.

I also accomplished all of my chores that included power!  Laundry, vacuuming, computer work, etc.
However, the storm never came.  As it traveled from the Pacific towards us, it moved north and the big storm ending up being nothing.  It was actually a decent day.  Warm at times with the sun peaking out here and there!

Enjoying every moment.

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