May 17, 2014

Sunny Day Photos

I have some random photos from our sunny days this week.

Chris finally put up all of the shelving units that were stacked in front of the Chevelle....which meant that I could drive it!  He took the boys for a spin to make sure everything was running well. Those two in the back seat loved cruising with dad!

Every sunny day when we get home from school, the boys take off most--or all--of their clothes and play in the back yard.  Sometimes they run through the sprinkler.  Sometimes, they play with the wagon.  Sometimes they play on the big toy.  Today, Colson wanted to paint.  So I got out some paintbrushes and filled up two containers with water and let both of them "paint" anything they wanted!

Here's a snapshot from Wednesday.  I should have taken one on Monday.  It would have showed how nice it was all week.  I love waking up to blue skies, having the doors and windows open, BBQing for dinner and being outside. 

The neighbor found a turtle heading across the road in our culd-a-sac.  It must have escaped from someone's yard.  The turtle was bigger than I thought and could move pretty fast....not how I expected a turtle to move!  

The kindergarten classes are in the middle of a unit on Community Helpers. They had a Bonney Lake police officer come in and talk to the class on Friday.  Cannon really enjoyed hearing about the police officers job, but he was most impressed that he had a gun and that he showed the kids his knife!  All of the kids brought home a bag of "fun stuff" and one of the things inside was a temporary tattoo. I've never put any on Cannon before (I've always thrown them out before he saw them) but he's too old for me to get away with that now....he knew exactly what it was and how to put it on.  So I reluctantly helped him and here is a photo of it.  I hope it comes off or else he'll have to get a job with the Bonney Lake Police!  

Enjoying every moment!

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