Mar 10, 2012

Spring Conference Time!

It's that time of year again!  A time when I am at my busiest: Assessing even more than normal, sorting through data, entering data, filling out report cards, writing specific and meaningful comments, setting up conferences, etc.

This year, I am adding a First Birthday party to organize (Colson's!)

It's also the time of year that I meet with Cannon's teacher, Ms. Teresa to go over his progress.  I was excited to hear what she had to say and I like being on the parent side of the conference!

Cannon is doing fabulous and enjoys preschool.  He is a wonderful peer model for the special education preschool program and is friends with everyone.  He is patient and kind.  One thing Ms. Teresa suggested he work on is to better receive constructive criticism.  Cannon still gets embarrassed easily when he does something wrong.  However he has improved immensely from the beginning of the year.

Academically, I have really seen Cannon flourish this trimester.  His report card shows that as well.  He received all 3's (meeting age expectations) and some 4's (exceeding age expectations).  The 4's were mostly in the area of math and letters & sounds.

We are very proud of Cannon and his progress!

Now, down to business for me.  Time to start working on report cards for my students!

Enjoying every moment.

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