Jun 5, 2012

Two on Tuesday


Today the elementary schools in White River participated in Operation Pinecone, a county wide earthquake drill.  We went a number of steps further than a normal drill:  Search and Rescue team "searched" for a missing boy; First Aid was set up; teachers had to move cars to block areas; parents arrived to "pick up" kids to take home; etc.
Students were outside for about 50 minutes.  It did stop raining before the drill started, thank goodness.  I'm glad I filled up my classroom emergency backpack with cards, books, crayons, snack and garbage bags for every to sit on.
Everyone did a great job and hopefully there won't be a real emergency any time soon.


Cannon had his end of the year celebration/field trip today.  I had to miss it, but Cannon spent the day with his friend Maddy and they had so much fun hanging out together.  I'm thankful to Mrs. Davidson for taking Cannon so he could enjoy the final field trip.
Unfortunately, the weather was windy and cold so they kids didn't get to play on the toys or swim in the wading pool.  They were dressed in layers and all stayed under the covered area.  However they were able to enjoy the cake the teachers brought!
Here are a few things Cannon said about today:
"It was fun driving there cause, I don't know...there was tilty roads."
"I love that cake!  I loved the frosting.  It was my favorite.  Lots of frosting!"
"Maddy is my best friend.  We watched a movie and ate popcorn and had hot cocoa."

Enjoying every moment.

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