Jul 9, 2012

Today We

Today we....

...were surprised that it rained last night.
...had toast for breakfast.
...worked on Cannon's preschool album.
...went to Colson's doctor appointment in Tacoma.
...played outside in the water.
...read books.
...played the game, Trouble. I won by only one spot!
...sat in the sun.
...ate Cool Whip with sprinkles for a treat.
...had Trey, the neighbor's grandchild over to play.
...did lots of swinging.
...said bye to daddy when he left for Eugene for a couple of days.
...had pictures of the boys taken. (they are so cute!)
...enjoyed each other!

 Love to read!  Today, we read outside sitting in the grass!

Sprinkles and food coloring for our Cool Whip treat.

The very close Trouble game.

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