Aug 18, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

Today I had an all day class so that meant a break from the flexible summer schedule and a little preview to what it will be like once I head back to work the last week of August. 

Some thoughts from today...

  • Lots of pre-planning the night before to be ready for this morning!  Bags packed and by the front door.  Lunches packed and ready.  Clothes set out. 
  • I had to wake Cannon up at 7:10 this morning.  He has been sleeping in until almost 9am. So this was early for him and he DID NOT want to wake up! 
  • Colson fell asleep in the car on the way up to Jacie's this morning. So he took his first nap in his car seat.  He had a rough time the rest of the day with naps.  Maybe it was a new place?  Maybe it was not having his crib?  Maybe it was because there were other distractions?  He did take two bottles from Jacie, which was positive.  And he loved playing with Annabelle who is 6 weeks older than him. 
  • My class was good.  It was a Facilitator Training for ProCert.  This year is the big switch over, where all of the candidates have to send out their portfolio to be graded by outside scorers instead of Holly and I grading it.  The process will be more similar to National Board.  We learned a lot about what will stay the same and what will change. 
  • Cannon had a great day playing at Jacie's. When I got there to pick them up, Cannon was riding the bike outside.  He also played a lot in the back yard with the toys and enjoyed it when Madi was pushing him on the swing.  He loves playing trucks with Alex, too.
  • Colson went to bed early...about 6:30 pm.  He was tired!
  • Cannon and Chris put on the twist throttle on Cannon's quad.
  • Chris and Greg worked on motorhome issues, but weren't able to fix them.  
  • Cannon had a popscicle AND ice cream before bed.
  • Cannon's lights were out at 8:00pm.  After a quick shower, we read 3 books, practiced counting to 20, practiced writing his name and did some brain teasers.  He got the brain teasers from Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Al and he LOVES them.  We do some every night. 
  • After the boys went to bed, I was able to run, scrapbook, check email, clean the kitchen, watch some tutorials on Photoshop Elements and write the blog.  I'm going to bed early tonight; at least I hope so. I plan to sit with a new magazine I received and just relax and hopefully have the light out before 11pm!
Here are a few pictures from today:

Cannon making a lake. You can see he has his truck and
jet ski that he was backing into the lake!

Colson having  little dinner in only
a diaper and a bib!

Ice cream for dessert!

Bath time for Colson.

Enjoying every moment.

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